Sbt testOnly

sbt testOnly:

Running a specific test suite. For example: DefaultClientIntegrationSpec is in data-access project, Now I want to run that file only

sbt "data-access/testOnly **DefaultClientIntegrationSpec"

If you don't have subproject and spec is in the root project, then you can run like below

sbt testOnly **DefaultClientIntegrationSpec

The testOnly task also accepts wildcards, which is how I usually specify the suites: sbt testOnly **.APISpec **.AT*Spec It will run all the test files that ends with file name by APISpec and file name contains Spec after AT

Run a single test or a subset of related tests from spec file. For example, Spec file DefaultClientIntegrationSpec is in data-access subproject, Now I want to run single test or a subset of related tests that contains word mismatched

sbt "data-access/testOnly **DefaultAdaptexClientIntegrationSpec -- -z mismatched"

Here (-- is required to mark the start of parameters passed verbatim to the test runner)